Inaugurating EV Battery Factory, Bahlil Pamer RI Becomes The First Country To Have An Integrated Ecosystem

JAKARTA - Investment Minister/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia also accompanied President Joko Wiodo at the inauguration of the electric car battery cell factory owned by PT Hyundai LG Industry (HLI) Green Power in Karawang, West Java, Wednesday, July 3.

In his remarks, Bahlil reported that Indonesia was the first country in the world to successfully build an integrated car battery ecosystem from upstream to downstream.

"Permitting Pak (Jokowi), after we discussed it, we asked whether in the world there had not yet built an integrated car battery ecosystem from upstream, from mines to cars. It turns out that Sir, there is not yet, and we are the first Indonesians to do this," said Bahlil in his remarks, Wednesday, July 3.

Bahlil also said that the total commitment of the LG Energy Solution (LG) consortium investment for electric vehicle batteries from upstream to downstream in Indonesia reached 9.8 billion US dollars.

Bahlil also said that with synergy with SOE Minister Erick Thohir, Indonesia had completed all stages of building an electric vehicle ecosystem starting from mining, smelters, HPAL, precursors, cathodes, cell batteries, to cars.

Bahlil said that Hyundai's investment in the electric vehicle battery factory is the largest investment in one ecosystem in Indonesia today.

"Alhamdulillah, it's finished, and today 1.2 to 1.5 billion US dollars are finished, it will be done again in the second stage, namely 2 billion for 20 giga the second stage. The others are also ready to be done," explained Bahlil.

For information, the three production facilities that were inaugurated on this occasion were a cell battery factory with an investment value of the first phase of 1.2 billion US dollars or equivalent to Rp. 19.67 trillion, a battery pack with an investment value of 42.12 million US dollars or Rp. 690.49 billion and an assembly of Hyundai Kona Electric cars with an investment value of 1.5 billion US dollars or Rp. 24.59 trillion.

The realization of HLI investment for the three battery ecosystem projects and vehicles reached US$4.46 billion or Rp73.11 trillion, and created jobs for 4,849 local workers.