Getting To Know The Seuruh Ngeuyuk Tradition In Sundanese Traditional Marriage, Containing Sex Education For Bride And Groom Candidates

YOGYAKARTA Some of us may not know the Ngeuyek Seureuh tradition. This is a unique tradition carried out by the Sundanese people the day before the wedding procession.

In the tradition of the Sundanese people, marriage is considered a sacred value and has a deep meaning. These values are manifested in rituals held pre-wedding, marriage, and after marriage.

Well, the Ngeuyek Seuruh tradition is one of the traditions that is held before marriage. So, what is the Ngeuyek Seureuh tradition? Check out the full information below.

Getting To Know The Ngeuyek Seureuh Tradition

According to Deri Eka Firmansyah in a study entitled The Meanings of Sexuality in the Ngeuyeuk Seureuh Ceremony, published by Siginjai: Journal History, Vol. 2 No. 1, June 2022, the Ngeuyek Seureuh tradition is carried out as a lesson for brides and grooms who will live a household life.

The essence of this tradition is sex education for prospective brides, how the behavior of married life must be done ideally in the ideology of the Sundanese and as a notification that a wedding party will be held soon.

The reason this tradition is carried out is because in the past, sex education is considered still taboo. Sexual education given to brides through Ngeuyeuk Seureuh is not conveyed openly, but through symbols that are close to Sundanese culture.

These symbols can be made into betel leaf (Seureuh), alu, lumping, and so on which are available in the Ngeuyeuk Seureuh tradition.

Deri explained, Seureuh or betel leaf has the same sound (homogone) with the word deudeuh which means affection.

Thus, seureuh is a symbol of affection. Seureuh is also a homophone with reureuh, which means relaxing, relaxing, resting, resting, and taking a break.

Next is Ngeuyek. Ngeuyek comes from the word heuyek, then ngaheuyek, and it becomes nguyek. The word Ngeuyek means holding.

In the Sundaggi Dictionary, it is stated that Ngeuyeuk Seureuh means providing betel leaves, it can also mean compiling betel leaves.

The Ngeuyeuk Seureuh ceremony which was held before the wedding procession was usually led by Nini Pangeyeuk, an experienced old woman, had offspring, and had a reflection of a happy family.

In Deri Eka Firmansyah's explanation, women are considered worthy of leading this tradition because they are able to convey the ideal household concept.

In the tradition of the Sundanese people, the one who regulates household life is women with the title of papatih gowah.

Women regulate all financial circulation and regulate gowah as a place to store food sources. That is the reason why middle-aged women with the ability to manage a good household can be chosen as leaders of the Ngeuyeuk Seureuh ceremony.

Deri added that the Ngeuyeuk Seureuh tradition should not be followed by single women, women who are often married and divorced, women who do not have a menstruasu or awe bawangtangrang. This is because nini Pangheuyek will explain issues related to sexual life.

The Meaning Of The Ngeuyeuk Seureuh Tradition

The above has been mentioned that the essence of the Ngeuyeuk Seureuh tradition is sex education for brides and grooms. The Ngeuyeuk Seureuh tradition contains scenes depicting this.

In a study conducted by Deri Eka Firmansyah, there are several scenes that have the meaning of sexual denotative, including:

That's information about the Ngeuyek Seureuh tradition. Hopefully this review can make readers more familiar with the Ngeuyek Seuruh tradition. To get news updates from other options, keep reading VOI.ID.