Leak Again, Now It's Time For KAI Commuter Data To Leak On The Dark Web

The social media situation was again shocked by the emergence of alleged leakage of user data from PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Commuter, which was spread and sold on illegal sites.

In a post shared by the @txttransports X account and @TodayCyberNews, it shows a screenshot of a KAI data post leaked on the BreachForums dark forum by a user with the name Fox47.

You know... KAI database? pic.twitter.com/Lgp8cou7Bu

The hacker claims that the leaked data consists of various personal information from KAI Commuter users, including names, ticket codes, payment methods, and transaction times.

Until this article was written, neither KAI nor KCI had responded when contacted by VOI.

Some time ago, several agency data or Ministries/Institutions in Indonesia were also targets for hacking attacks, such as BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Indonesian Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (Inafis) Polri, the TNI Strategic Intelligence Agency (Bais), and the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) were also suspected of having leaked.

Most recently, on Tuesday, July 2 yesterday, even data from the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) was also leaked on illegal sites.

However, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan has confirmed to VOI that the data circulating on illegal sites is not data originating from the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan database.

Meanwhile, the TNI and PolRI have confirmed that the data is old data, as disclosed by the Head of the National Cyber and Crypto Agency Hinsa Siburian.