Aftech Calls The Importance Of Preventing Online Gambling In The Fintech Ecosystem

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Fintech Association (Aftech) Pandu Sjahrir emphasized that preventive measures are very important to prevent and anticipate online gambling practices in the financial technology ecosystem (fintech).

"We continue to encourage industry players to take preventive measures as an effort to prevent and anticipate online gambling practices," Pandu said in a written statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, July 3.

Aftech, Pandu explained, fully supports all initiatives carried out by the government in eradicating illegal online gambling activities. Aftech firmly rejects all practices related to online gambling, including involvement in the digital financial ecosystem.

As an association that houses fintech industry players in Indonesia, Atech is committed to continuing to encourage the development of a safe, comfortable, healthy, and sustainable industry.

As a form of commitment, Aftech has designed various strategies to eradicate online gambling, including by strengthening corporate governance, risk management, and compliance (governance, risk management, and compliance/GRC). In addition, Aftech also emphasized the importance of education and literacy related to the use of appropriate fintech products and services.

One of the significant steps that Aftech took, explained Pandu, was the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the process of knowing your customer (KYC) and assessing credit eligibility.

This is to identify potential loan recipients who may be involved in online gambling transactions.

Pandu appealed to all Aftech members to block accounts indicated to be used in illegal activities, including online gambling, in accordance with the list submitted by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

"We are committed to strengthening corporate governance with strict procedures to know your business (KYB) to ensure the security and integrity of digital payment systems," he said.

The application of fraud detection system (FDS) technology is also an important step taken by Aftech. Pandu emphasized that Aftech and its members continue to monitor and close digital wallet accounts that are indicated to be involved in online gambling.

In the #GenerationAsanAntiJudol campaign, Pandu also invited all industry players, stakeholders, and the community to jointly increase digital financial literacy and fintech.

"Innovasi di sektor keuangan harus membawa dampak positif bagi masa depan generasi muda Indonesia," kata Pandu.

He explained that the implementation of the VAT rate relaxation was temporary (temporary), especially in the 2025 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).