Many Layoff Victims Have Not Received JKP Benefits, BPJS Employment Reveals The Cause
JAKARTA - President Director of the Social Security Administration (BPJS) for Employment, Anggoro Eko Cahyo, said that there were differences in the data on beneficiaries of Job Loss Guarantee (JKP) and workers affected by Employment Termination (PHK).
Of the total cases of 27,222 participants affected by layoffs until May 2024, only 24,453 people received JKP benefits. Anggoro said, one of the reasons was that the JKP participants were not registered with the National Health Insurance (JKN) participants.
Another cause of the iur period did not meet the benefits of JKP claims, namely 12 months or the beneficiaries did not file a JKP claim within three months after being laid off.
"Because of the total cases, not all of them are eligible, those that are not eligible are usually because they are not JKN participants. The second is also not 12 months old. Because JKP, right, the condition is that they have become participants for 12 months. Or do not answer claims for more than three months," said Anggoro in a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission IX of the DPR RI at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday, July 2.
Even so, Anggoro said, the awareness of beneficiaries to claim that JKP has improved in recent years. This can be seen from JKP's claim in 2024, which reached 84 percent.
"This year, the claim ratio is getting better, 89.8 percent. Of the 27,222 (people) who were laid off, 24,453 made JKP claims. This data shows they are more aware of JKP," he said.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Supervisory Board (Dewas) of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Muhammad Zuhri admitted that there was a gap between the JKP recipient and the victim of the worker who was laid off. "Indeed, there is a gap in the number of layoffs with JKP claims. I think this is just an affirmation regarding why the gap between JKP claims and the number of layoffs is not the same," he said.