PTPP Meets Bond Obligations And Sukuk Mudharabah On Time

JAKARTA - PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) has made payments for Shelf-Registered Bonds III Phase I of 2021 Series A worth IDR 850 billion and Shelf-Registered Sukuk Mudharabah I Phase I of 2021 Series A worth IDR 400 billion due on July 2, 2024.

The bonds and Sukuk Mudharabah which are due are the result of the Sustainable Public Offering conducted by the Company in 2021 with a tenor of 3 years and coupons or a profit sharing of 8.5 percent per year.

Novel Arsyad as the President Director of PTPP said that fulfilling this maturity obligation is a form of PTPP's commitment as an open company that always prioritizes and applies good corporate governance principles and can fulfill company obligations.

"Alhamdulillah, on July 1, 2024, we have transferred funds to the KSEI account as the payment of the Bonds and Sukuk Mudharabah which is due on July 2, 2024, with this step showing PTPP's commitment to maintaining company financial stability and efforts to restore investor confidence in the Construction BUMN," Novel said, in his statement, Tuesday, July 2.

As an open company that always prioritizes and applies the principles of corporate governance, PTPP will always be committed to fulfilling the company's obligations. After this payment, it is hoped that it can have a positive impact on PTPP's financial performance in the future, especially on strengthening the company's financial position.