Ministry Of Transportation Ensures Safe Services Are Not Affected By Ransomware Attacks

The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) ensures that all services under the Ministry of Transportation are not affected by ransomware attacks against the National Data Center (PDN).

For your information, ransomware attacks had disrupted international airport immigration services. In fact, a long queue had occurred at Soekarno Hatta International Airport.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Air Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Sigit Hani Hadiyanto explained that data centers from all services at the Ministry of Transportation are located in the Data and Information Center (Pusdatin).

"We have a centrality at the Pusdatin, yes and so far it has not been identified that some have then disrupted services at the Ministry of Transportation," said Sigit when met on the sidelines of the event at the Redtop Hotel, Pecenongan, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, July 2.

Sigit explained, although it was not affected by the ransomware attack, Pusdatin continued to take anticipatory steps.

One of them is conducting forensic analysis activities to several sources to ensure there is no leak related to PDN.

"We see that there has been a statement from the special staff in the field of public relations, that there was no impact from yesterday's incident on the data or information at the Ministry of Transportation," explained Sigit.

Sigit emphasized that his party remains vigilant and anticipatory considering the magnitude and massive impact experienced by the ransomware attack on the PDN.

"Even though yesterday we still said that we were aware of this, the Ministry of Transportation took anticipatory steps," he said.

For your information, ransomware attacks PDN servers and causes disruption to public services.

Such as the immigration system to the scholarship recipient data at the Ministry of Education and Culture which must be re-agencyd because there is no data backup in PDN.