The Reason Ayu Ting Ting Chooses To Separate From Muhammad Fardhana

JAKARTA - Ayu Ting Ting finally opened her voice regarding the issue of the loss of her love affair with Muhammad Fardhana. The mother of one child confirmed that they had been separated since June 22 yesterday.

Ayu said that one of the reasons they finally agreed to separate was because of differences in principles that they could not work on.

"So where there are things that are very principle for me that we cannot bridge again with each other. So it's enough for me, Allah, my friends, the family who know, let this be a matter of privacy," said Ayu Ting Ting in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, Monday, July 1.

On this occasion, Ayu Ting Ting said that economic reasons were not the cause of the breakup of the engagement relationship with Farhana.

"And many also say that because of economic problems and others, I emphasize this once again, meaning that from my economic problems it is impossible so far," said Ayu Ting Ting.

"If it's just because of economic problems, so from the start I have received it. I'm not the type of person who got to the previous one, I also said that it was a dowry problem and others, who knew me and my family, I'm not that type of person," he added.

The breakdown of the love relationship, which had only been going on for about 4 months, was apparently requested by Ayu Ting Ting herself and was well received by the Fardhana family.

"To convey that this is indeed a decision that we have made together, which I indeed proposed and happened to be well received and accepted with a legowo with Mas Dana and also the family represented. Alhamdulillah," he said.