3 Transportation To Borobudur Temple From Jakarta And Travel Routes

YOGYAKARTA - Borobudur Temple is one of the favorite destinations for many people to take a vacation. Tourist attractions located in Magelang City, Central Java, are never empty of visitors, especially during holidays and weekends.

Tourists who come to Borobudur Temple also come from various regions in Indonesia and foreign tourists. Including people from Jakarta who want to spend their vacation time out of the capital's density. This tourist attraction is an option to attract tourism as well as take a break from their daily activities.

Many people visit Borobudur Temple to see firsthand the historic buildings recognized as world heritage sites by UNESCO. This pyramid-shaped temple is the largest Buddhist temple in the world. The temples, which have been built since the 8th and 9th centuries AD, are also used as places of worship for Buddhists.

In addition to the tourist attraction of history and the beautiful atmosphere in the Borobudur Temple complex, tourists from outside the city can also enjoy natural tourism, culinary arts, and cultural diversity in Magelang City. So what are the transportations that can be used from Jakarta to Borobudur Temple?

There are various transportation options that can be used to travel from Jakarta to Borobudur or Magelang Temple. Here are some transportation to Borobudur for those of you departing from Jakarta:

One of the favorite transportations for traveling from Jakarta to Borobudur Temple is by train. Tourists from DKI Jakarta Province can depart from Pasar Senen Station or Gambir Station. Later you just have to choose the station department in Yogyakarta, it could be St. Tugu or St. Lempuyangan.

After arriving at the Jogja station, you can continue your journey to Magelang by public transportation. You can find a shuttle bus or an online taxi from St. Tugu or St. Lempuyangan. The option of a shuttle bus that you can take is Joglosemar and Rama Sakti.

You can also take TransJogja from the nearest bus stop from the station. If you are using an online taxi or TransJogja, you need to stop at Jombor Terminal. After that, look for a small bus or public transportation with a travel route to Magelang. For those of you who take an online taxi, send a trip to stop at the entrance to Borobudur Temple.

You can also travel from Jakarta to Borobudur Temple by air transportation. You can choose flights by route from the airport in Jakarta to Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) Airport located in Kulon Progo, west of Jogja City.

When you arrive at YIA, you can take a shuttle bus to continue your journey to Borobudur Temple. Choose a Shuttle Bus Joglo Semar with the Yogyakarta-Magelang route. You will be escorted to the front of the Borobudur Temple entrance without having to transit or change vehicles again.

As another alternative, if you want to be more efficient, you can take the TransJogja from the bus stop in front of the airport. Choose TransJogja by going to Jombor Terminal. Then from the turn you can continue your journey by public transportation or small buses to Magelang.

You can also plan to take a bus trip to Borobudur Temple from Jakarta. You can choose a bus that runs towards Magelang from the terminal near your place. For example, your location is near Kampung Rambutan Terminal, Pahala Kencana bus for the Tidar Magelang Terminal. The departure of this bus from Jakarta is at 15.00.

Those are some transportation to Borobudur Temple from Jakarta that you can choose from. You can use transportation according to your needs and convenience so that your traveling trip can run smoothly and be satisfying. Also read 3 transportation to Dieng from Jakarta.

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