Effective Characteristics And Language Structures Of Advertising

YOGYAKARTA - Advertising is a method or activity to promote a product, both goods and services to the public. Making advertisements requires its own techniques, ranging from articles, visuals, to audio. One thing that is important to understand is the structure of the ad language.

Advertising has been used since ancient times to introduce a business product to consumers. Traditional advertisements used to be known as promotional text spread through banners, posters, and other mediums. However, nowadays the shape of advertising is growing in the form of visual audio or video content.

Quoting from the book Introductory Ads (2007) by Widyatama, the meaning of advertising is a form of non-personal communication activities delivered through the media to convey persuading messages (persuasive0 to consumers by companies, non-commercial institutions, and personal interests.

Good ads are made with conceptual structures, so they can attract the attention of people who read or see them. Ads in the form of videos also need a script first as a material for making them. So what is the structure of the ad language and types of advertisements that need to be understood?

Advertising aims to make potential consumers interested in buying or using a product or service. Therefore, text or ad language must be able to influence and lead audiences to take certain actions.

Making good ad text should pay attention to the structure of ad text. The following is a general ad language structure that needs to be known:

The choice of language or ad sentence must be considered as best as possible so that the advertisements displayed are effective in attracting the attention of the audience. The following are the characteristics of the ad text commonly used:

Types of advertisements are divided into two based on their goals, namely commercial and non-commercial. In addition, there are also many types of advertisements from various aspects. The following types of advertisements quote from the book Encyclopedia Nasional Indonesia (1997) published by Cipta Adi Pustaka:

One of the main characteristics of advertising text is using persuasive sentences. Adual text must be able to persuade or influence audiences to take actions according to the wishes of ad makers. To create effective advertisements in directing audiences, there are several language principles that need to be applied.

The following are a number of principles of language of advertising text commonly found in product advertisements and services:

Demikianlah struktur bahasa ad yang penting untuk dianggah supaya bisa membuat adik yang efektif mempengaruhi audien. Di era sekarang ini, ketampuan dalam pembuatan text adik atau promosi disebut dengan copywriting. Baca juga 5 skill yang harus dimiliki seorang copywriter.

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