Fake QRIS Constitutional Fraud Circulates, BRI Urges Business Owners To Monitor Transactions Via BRI Merchant
JAKARTA The mode of fraud in the financial industry continues to emerge to trick the victims. Most recently, QRIS fraud in payment methods is one of the scams that often make merchants victims.
Fake QRIS is a fake QR code that mimics the identity of traders, types of goods, and the number of transactions so that fraudsters seem to have made payments, but in reality the nominal transaction is not accepted by sellers or merchants.
BRI Retail Funding and Distribution Director Andrijanto explained that fake QRIS circulating attacks static QRIS merchants (QR Code contains Merchant ID and is fixed), which is usually displayed in stickers or print-outs, and QR is generatored once.
"In order to avoid the rampant fake QRIS transactions, merchants routinely monitor payment transactions from theircustomers, whether they have been received and entered into the merchant account affiliated with their static QRIS," he said in an official statement, Sunday, June 30.
According to Andrijanto, this will certainly be easy for BRI's merchants who already have the BRImerchant application because through this application, merchants can find out if the payment transactions made bycustomer are successful.
Furthermore, he said several things that merchants must pay attention to, including that they must supervise and check payment status, ensure that they have received the notification.
"Similarly, buyers must ensure that the QRIS, which has the same name as the merchant," he said.
He explained that BRImerchant is a one-stop solution application that can answer BRI's needs for merchants, with three main features, namely monitoring transaction details, downloading settlement reports, and user management.
Padauser management, sambung dia, pemilikmerchant sebagaisuper admin dapat melakukan pengaturan terhadap user termasuk penambahanuser, permperberian aksuser, mengubah status serta menghapususer.
"With this feature, business actors, both MSMEs and large-scale businesses, can easily see the transaction history of each EDC/QRIS machine on a daily basis with the last 3 months," said Andrijanto.
In addition to the three main features, he suspects, the BRI Merechant application also provides other features such as transaction notifications, top-upsaldo re-fill money cards, and customer service services. To be able to use the BRIMerchant application, the paramercchantha needs to download the application through the Google Play Store.
"This application can be downloaded for free and can be useful for merchants who have BRI accounts," he explained.