Arum National Championship Participantsjeam 2024 Protected Social Security Employment

JAKARTA - BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (BPJamsostek) Jakarta Cilincing provides Employment Social Security protection to all participants of the Serung Jeram national championship which will take place in Jakarta on June 24-26, 2024.

In the activity which took place in the Ciliwung river in Srengseng Sawah, South Jakarta, 252 participants, both men and women, held by the Arung Jeram Indonesia Federation (FAJI) of DKI Jakarta Province.

Head of the BPJamsostek Cilincing Office, Haryani Rotua Melasari, said that the protection of employment social security emphasized the presence of the state to provide a sense of security to all athletes competing.

"With protection, it is hoped that they can train and compete with focus and be free from anxiety. Hopefully, their achievements can also increase," said Haryani, in her statement, Sunday, June 30.

Ani, Haryani's nickname, emphasized that the protection of Employment Social Security for athletes is a mandate from Law Number 11 of 2022 concerning Sport. Thus, its participation becomes an obligation.

Where, each athlete can get two main protections for Employment Social Security, namely Work Accident Insurance (JKK) and Death Security (JKM). For these two programs, the dues are quite affordable, only Rp. 16,800 per person per month.

If you want to add the Old Age Guarantee (JHT), the contribution will be IDR 36,800 per person per month.

"For JKK and JKM, there are quite a lot of benefits received by athletes, such as other professional workers. As if there is an injury, it will guarantee the recovery of work accidents without a cost and without a time limit for treatment until the participants recover and return to their activities," explained Ani.

Previously, the General Chairperson of PB FAJI Maj. Gen. Mar (Ret.) Saud F. Tambatua when opening the National Championships said that this event was the 16th, the last time the National Championship took place was in 2022 at the Pekalen River, Probolinggo, East Java.

This is the first time that DKI Jakarta has hosted the National Championships, and it really appreciates this.

Given the implementation of the championship in the Ciliwung River is a big challenge, especially in the field of conservation and the environment.

"I appreciate DKI Jakarta's desire as the host of this National Championship. The challenge is quite large, especially in the river," said Saut.