Apart From Hendrar Prihadi, PDIP Considers Andika Perkasa To Advance In Central Java Pilkada

The PDI-P is considering carrying Andika Perkasa in the Central Java Regional Head Election (Pilkada) contest. Although, his name is on the radar as a candidate for governor (readgub) of DKI Jakarta.

"Yes, Central Java is also with Pak Andika, for example, apart from Jakarta, there are also those who propose in Central Java, yes," PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto told reporters, Saturday, June 29.

Currently, PDIP officials are said to be reviewing the results of an internal survey to draw up names that are considered suitable. Later, from the results of the study, PDIP cadres will be determined who will 'fight' in the Central Java Pilkada contestation.

"Then, Ms. Puan is conducting a study based on an internal party mapping survey together with Mas Bambang Pacul Wuryanto and Pak Utut," he said.

Because, said Hasto, apart from Andika Perkara, there are also cadres who are considered to run as Candidates for Governor (Cagub) of Central Java.

"One of them was assigned to Central Java, namely Mr. Hendi (Hendrar Prihadi) too," said Hasto.