Shocking Discovery At TPU Palahan Village: Baby Girl Found With Messages Of Touching Will!

Malang Resort Police (Polres) is conducting an investigation regarding the discovery of the baby girl's body at the Public Cemetery (TPU) in Palahan Village, Ngajum District, Malang Regency, East Java.

Head of Public Relations of Malang Police, Ipda Dicka Ermantara, stated that the baby was found dead on Friday, June 28 by a local resident named Kaseno (62).

"The discovery of the baby's body in the tomb area of Palahan Village has triggered intensive investigation steps," said Dicka in Kepanjen, Malang Regency, Saturday, June 29.

According to Dicka, Kaseno, who first found the baby, was originally going to the river across the tomb at around 16.00 WIB. While crossing the tomb area, he saw a suspicious black crack bag on the side of the road. Out of curiosity, he opened the package and found the baby girl's body inside.

"Kaseno immediately reported the discovery to the Ngajum Police," added Dicka.

Ngajum Police officers immediately arrived at the location to conduct a crime scene (TKP) and evacuate the baby's body. Dicka explained that the baby was found naked without an identity, and there were no signs of violence on his body. It is estimated that the baby died shortly after birth.

The baby's body was then taken to the Saiful Anwar Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Malang City for a post-mortem examination. The umbilical cord is still attached to the baby's stomach. In addition, a piece of paper containing a will message was found in Javanese which reads, "Anyone who finds (this body) please bury it properly. I am a poor person."

"We found the message in the bag, the point is that the baby's body was buried properly," Dicka explained.

Malang Police are currently conducting a thorough investigation to reveal the facts related to this case. Efforts to identify victims and search for information from the surrounding community continue to be carried out to find the party responsible for this tragic incident.

"The investigation process is still ongoing. We will try our best to identify and find out who the perpetrator has the heart to dispose of the baby's body," Dicka concluded.