TIME Magazine Cover Steals Attention, Joe Biden Becomes In The Spotlight

JAKARTA - Cover magazine is often an important element that reflects the main focus or message the publication wants to convey. In its upcoming issue of August 5, 2024, TIME Magazine features a cover that steals attention by featuring Democratic candidate for president Joe Biden, they have shared it with social media platform X.

'Things are dark.' Democrats are panicking about Joe Biden's debate performance—and what will happen next https://t.co/S46Zo1NV7w pic.twitter.com/prSyM36E6n

In the cover, TIME presents surprising images and headlines, reflecting the situation being faced by the Democratic Party.

Panic is not a word too strong to describe sentiment that spreads throughout the Democratic Party from top to bottom during the debate, TIME wrote.

TIME also highlighted that everyone in America who witnessed the debate between Biden and Trump could see how 81-year-old Biden affected his performance. With such intense competition with Trump, Biden's path to victory suddenly seemed like a dead end in the eyes of the Democrats. This sparked questions within the party: Is there a way to get him out of the nomination ticket? And if not, is there a chance to win elections with a disabled candidate?

This situation is very different from what Biden and his team planned for six full days of training at Camp David, Maryland. Despite all the talks about the most successful first term agenda and historic part-time elections, Biden's team spent Thursday and Friday trying to calm down the Democratic Party.

Additional data from the TIME article shows that nearly two-thirds of Americans think that both Trump and Biden are too old for the presidency, with the Ipsos survey showing one quarter of Americans feeling Biden is too old. In addition, the Gallup survey found that only 22 percent of Americans were satisfied with the country's current direction, a figure that put Biden in a dangerous situation.

In an effort to calm the fear, Biden had to admit his mistake. "Being reluctant Biden is not a sign of the page I want," a donor-strategic said on Friday. Biden's campaign doubled his determination, spread positive reviews from allies, and remains confident that Trump is a disliked figure who doesn't win voters with his careless performance in the debate.

However, Biden's path to elections seems increasingly difficult. With this background, TIME Magazine provides a strong picture of the challenges faced by Joe Biden and the Democratic Party ahead of the 2024 presidential election.