Serang Regent Reminds Residents Of The Danger Of Drugs
SERANG - In a number of studies, it is called brain reaction after being exposed to drugs can have a negative impact on mindset and mood. Substances in drugs can trigger or increase the intensity of sadness, sadness, and despair. Emotions like this are found in people with depression.
Serang Regent Ratu Tatu Chasanah invites all levels of society to remind each other and keep from falling into the dangers of drugs. Tatu in Serang, Friday, said that narcotics are not only targeting students and the community, but to all joints including government officials. "We continue to remind each other of the dangers of drugs, we must continue to remind each other, because from the impact of drugs it is extraordinary," he said, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, June 29. Tatu said that the commemoration of this anti-drug day must of course be committed not only to the ranks of the Serang Regency Government. However, all stakeholders should go to the community to remind each other about what the dangers of drugs are. "Drugs are not only to the physical, as well as to the mental, then to social issues," he said.
This is the task of the Serang Regional Government and elements of Forkopimda and BNN to invite and form forums in the community to reject and protect their environment from the dangers of evil. So they must convey to the children, students or the community from the forms of narcotics themselves for those who do not know yet and see. "So it involves community leaders, religious scholars, then youth leaders. Now this is the form of cooperation between the regional government, BNN and Forkopimda. Drugs will destroy all the strength of our country, if our children are destroyed, spent in the future what next generation will be," he said. The efforts made by the Regency Government are by realizing programs in schools to make a race by the Education and Culture Office (Dindikbud) Serang Regency. "Maybe later we will involve the Education Office, the Health Service, Kominfo as well to spread this socialization," he concluded.