Senadakan Sinisme, Pernyataan Sekjen PKS Mengandung Hoaks

JAKARTA - Habib Aboe Bakar Al Habsyi's statement by the Secretary General (Sekjen) of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Habib Aboe Bakar Al Habsyi who said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had offered the name Kaesang Pangarep for the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election as a blunder. In addition to the tone of the cynicism, Habib Aboe's narrative can be categorized as a hoax.

Political observer who is also a democracy activist from Simpul Indonesia, Herry Setiawan said, the political narrative of cynicism voiced by Habib Aboe recently indirectly has humiliated two parties. Namely President Jokowi and his son, Kaesang.

"Through the narrative, he (Habib Aboe, ed) wants to build an opinion that President Jokowi's political power in the Jakarta Pilkada is so low that he has to travel to a number of parties to present his son," said Herry in his statement, Friday, June 28.

Meanwhile, in Kaesang, continued Herry, the cynicism that appeared was not much different. Although the son of the president and serving as Chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), in the narrative, Habib Aboe implied that Kaesang was still "child yesterday afternoon" on the political stage.

"As a new party, PSI's achievements in Jakarta, I think are classified as progressive. Moreover, in yesterday's election PSI won eight seats (DPRD DKI) with 400 thousand votes. The score should not be underestimated," he said.

As an important note, Herry emphasized that Habib Aboe's statement could be categorized as a hoax because it was not guaranteed the truth.

"I heard that Kaesang has denied it. It is dangerous if a large party secretary general dares to voice hoaxes," he said.

Previously, PSI Chairman Kaesang Pangarep emphasized that Jokowi had never offered his name to parties.

"Pakjen PKS tidak berbicara sesuai fakta. Pak Jokowi tidak pernah menawarkan nama saya ke partai-partai. Please check, atau menyebut partai mana yang pernah ditapkan Pak Jokowi. Cara-cara seperti itu tidak baik dan ini merupakan kebohong kepada publik," kata Kaesang.

Kaesang said the authority to carry candidates lies with the general chairman of the party. According to him, the statement by the Secretary General of PKS Habib Aboe Bakar Al Habsyi wanted to close the door of the coalition between PKS and PSI.

"PSI has seats in Jakarta, there are quite 8 seats. Many parties also offer their heroes to be supported by PSI. The statement by the Secretary General of PKS may want to close the door of the coalition with PSI, that's okay too," he said.

Kaesang emphasized that he has the authority to determine the candidates to be carried. He also asked not to carry Jokowi's name.

"PSI has seats in Jakarta, there are quite 8 seats. Many parties also offer their heroes to be supported by PSI. The statement by the Secretary General of PKS may want to close the door of the coalition with PSI, that's okay too," he said.

Kaesang emphasized that he has the authority to determine the candidates to be carried. He also asked not to carry Jokowi's name.

"As the General Chair, I have full authority to determine who PSI will nominate. The authority is all with the General Chair, so we'll just have to wait. Don't bring up the President, who is the General Chair," he explained.

"The election competition should be kept away from spreading fake news, it is detrimental to the community. Moreover, it will harm those who like to spread fake news like that. Our society is smart," added Kaesang.