Accompany Heru Budi Visits Residents, Gibran: Playing Around Aja

JAKARTA - The mayor of Solo who is also the elected Vice President of 2024, Gibran Rakabuming Raka accompanied the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono on a working visit and met residents.

Gibran accompanied Heru to review the Semongol River project in West Jakarta. Furthermore, Gibran was also present to visit residents to Kamal Muara Village, North Jakarta. Gibran admitted that there was no special agenda when he attended Heru for activities.

"There is no agenda whatsoever. Just play around," said Gibran in Kamal Muara Village, North Jakarta, Friday, June 28.

When they arrived at the location, the two were seen distributing pencil boxes, books and milk to children and basic necessities to residents who were enthusiastic about welcoming them.

The eldest son of President Joko Widodo admitted that he accompanied Heru in his capacity as Mayor of Solo who was still active in office.

"Assisting Mr. Acting Governor. (Present as) mayor," said Gibran.

However, this is different from Heru's statement. Heru revealed that Gibran's intention to accompany him in work activities was to ensure that the work program of the DKI Provincial Government was carried out properly ahead of the change of state leadership.

"To check several projects, namely the Semongol flood project and he confirmed whether it was going well," said Heru in Kamal Muara Village, Friday, June 28.

To Gibran, Heru conveyed that the Semongol River dredging project had been carried out with the existing tracking conditions. Furthermore, the DKI Provincial Government will build a permanent embankment or sheetpile.

"Hopefully the floods yesterday can be reduced and later added pumps in Kamal," said Heru.

Meanwhile, in Kamal Muara Village, Heru and Gibran checked the location of residential areas, precisely around Kamal Muara pier. Heru said the DKI Provincial Government would cooperate with the private sector to revitalize residents' houses

"The DKI Regional Government and Tzu Chi, together we revitalize houses that are of concern to Kamal. Later there will be Palmerah, Cempaka Putih, and so on," he explained.