Kominfo Ensures KIP Data From Kemendikbudristek Is Safe From Ransomware Infection
JAKARTA - Director General of Informatics Applications of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, ensured that KIP data or scholarships for schoolchildren of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) were protected.
Kominfo also added that it had met the request for backup data from the Ministry of Education and Culture.
The request for data backup was made regarding cyber attacks on the Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) 2 which also had an impact on the Ministry of Education and Culture's services.
"So there is a request and all requests have been met, there have been six requests," said Semuel at the Commission I Working Meeting of the DPR RI with the Minister of Communication and Information and the Head of the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) at the DPR RI, Jakarta, Thursday, June 27.
Semuel's statement was to answer questions from the Chairman of Commission I DPR RI Meutya Hafid regarding a request for data backup from the Ministry of Education and Culture to the Ministry of Communication and Information for KIP data or scholarships for school children.
"Is it true that there has been a request for backup from the Ministry of Education and Culture for KIP data or scholarships for school children? Because every time there is a backup, the budget power is in the Ministry of Communication and Information. So they must ask for permission from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics first," said Meutya.
Semuel ensured that all Kemendikbudristek data was protected. "It's covered," he said.
Meanwhile, Telkomsigma's Director of Delivery & Operation, I Wayan Sukerta added that the Kemendikbudristek data is currently in the process of restoring or recovering.
"If we look at the Ministry of Education and Culture, the restaurant we are doing is indeed processed, that's the data. So now it's in the restoration process," said Wayan.
Wayan said the data that had been recovered would later go through a pre-checking process to ensure the data was safe from ransomware infection.
"If later it is not infected, we will do it with the next process to strengthen, as well as several security procedures so that when it is raised again it is safe," he said.
A number of public services on Thursday, June 20 had experienced problems due to disturbances in PDNS 2.
After being traced, it was found that PDNS 2 experienced a cyberattack in the form of a ransomware called Brain Cipher, a new variant of the Lockbit 3.0 ransomware.
As of Tuesday (25/6), 282 agencies were identified as affected by the PDNS 2 incident. The government immediately focused on recovering various public services that were affected and at the same time conducting an investigation in the form of digital forensics.