Called Sarang Judi District Online, Bogor City Government Helps Eradicate Online Gambling

BOGOR - Deputy Chairperson I of the Bogor City DPRD, Jenal Mutaqin is now starting to highlight the online gambling phenomenon that has occurred in Bogor City. Because, based on a report from the PPATK submitted by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam), the transaction value in Bogor City reached Rp612 billion or was ranked second in Indonesia.

Jenal also revealed that he would fully support the efforts of the Bogor City Government in eradicating online gambling.

"Of course we will fully support the Bogor City Government and Bogor City Police in eradicating online gambling," said the man who is familiarly called Kang JM, Thursday, June 27.

Furthermore, JM said that in the near future, the Bogor City DPRD will discuss strategic steps with the Bogor City Government to tackle the rise of online gambling cases.

JM explained that the form of countermeasures and prevention can be done through the formation of Regional Regulations (Perda) and budget alignment in socializing the prevention of the bad effects of online gambling on the public.

In addition, JM also emphasized that it would encourage all members of the Bogor City DPRD to increase their supervisory and socialization functions to their constituents.

"We in the DPRD have three functions and we will maximize it to tackle and prevent this online gambling case," explained JM.

According to JM, the prevention and prevention of online gambling phenomena can be successful if all stakeholders and the community work together.

"At times like this, all stakeholders must support each other to tackle and prevent online gambling. The role of the community is also very important in terms of prevention by educating each other's family members," he concluded.