Member Of Commission VII DPR Asks The Government Not To Rush To Increase Fuel Prices. What's Up?

Member of Commission VII DPR RI, Mulyanto, asked the government not to rush up the selling price of subsidized fuel or Pertalite following the weakening of the rupiah exchange rate against the dollar.

Mulyanto asked the government to focus on finding a solution to weakening the rupiah exchange rate without sacrificing the interests of the small community. He assessed that the government could still make many efforts to maintain the stability of the state budget without increasing the selling price of subsidized fuel.

"The government should not look for opportunities to weaken the rupiah exchange rate to increase subsidized fuel prices. Because other objective indicators in the formation of subsidized fuel selling prices are still positive," said Mulyanto, quoted on Friday, June 28.

Mulyanto explained that currently the world crude price trend is quite stable in the price range of 81 US dollars per barrel.

Padahal di awal Oktober 2023 mencapsi 90 dolar AS per barrel.

Meanwhile, ICP's macro assumption in 2024 is 82 US dollars per barrel. Thus, the existing world oil prices are still under the assumption of a macro ICP.

"We understand that the weakening of the rupiah exchange rate which is currently happening can affect the selling price of subsidized fuel. But the government should not simplify the problem. For example, the rupiah exchange rate has fallen, so they immediately thought of increasing the price of subsidized fuel. Because this policy will cause inflation which will make the economic condition worse," concluded Mulyanto.

For information, previously the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif revealed that until now he had not held a meeting with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of SOEs regarding the plan to increase the price of non-subsidized fuel which was still being held in price from last February to June 2024.

"There has been no meeting (between ministries). If there is no meeting, there is no (discussion) whatsoever," said Arifin, quoted on Tuesday, June 25.