Police Successfully Failed Delivery Of 110 Kg Of Cannabis From North Sumatra To West Sumatra

The Narcotics Investigation Unit of the Mandailing Natal Resort Police, North Sumatra (North Sumatra) arrested three residents of West Sumatra (West Sumatra) who were suspected of being couriers of 110 kilograms of marijuana.

"The evidence confiscated 110 bales of dried marijuana weighing 110 kilograms, a cell phone and a black car," said Head of the Mandailing Natal Police AKBP Arie Sofandi Paloh when contacted from Medan, Thursday, June 27, evening.

Arie said that this arrest began with the results of the development of officers for drug trafficking in the Tambangan Jae Village area, Tambangan District, Mandailing Natal Regency.

Then, according to him, on Monday, personnel conducted an investigation in the area and carried out the black car ambush.

"In the ambush found in the car, three people were carrying 110 bales of dried marijuana weighing 110 kilograms," said Arie.

He said the three suspects acted as couriers who received orders from someone in West Sumatra to bring the marijuana from Mandailing Natal to West Sumatra.

"We are still developing the disclosure of this narcotics, both in terms of who the financier and the origin of the marijuana owner are," he said.

From this act, the three suspects were charged with Article 115 paragraph 2 Subsidiary Article 114 paragraph 2 subsidiary Article 111 paragraph 2 Jo Article 132 paragraph 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics.

Arie said the Mandailing Natal Police and their ranks would continue to eradicate drugs in their jurisdiction.

"Anyone involved in drugs, the Mandailing Natal Police will always be responsive in taking action. We ask for the cooperation of all parties because drugs are common enemies," he said.