Take Care Of Children's Feelings In The Midst Of Divorce Issues With Ruben Onsu, Sarwendah: Don't Be Embarrassed

JAKARTA - Celebrity Sarwendah is seen pouring out her heart as a mother through uploading a video on her personal Instagram. In the upload, Sarwendah said that children have the same feelings as adults. So as an adult, don't be ashamed to apologize to your child.

"The things I learned after becoming a mother. Children are just like adults, have feelings. So don't be ashamed to apologize to your child if we are wrong," wrote Sarwendah, quoted by VOI from his personal Instagram, Friday, June 28.

Sarwendah also wrote that the happiness of others is not our responsibility and it is not his obligation to make other people happy.

"Others' feelings are not our responsibility, we don't need to make everyone happy," he continued.

Furthermore, he said that children's mental health is important for Sarwendah compared to physical health.

"Never underestimate the mental health of children with mental health as important as physical health," he explained.

As a parent, Sarwendah did not want to limit the feelings felt by her three children. He tries to let his son express himself.

Not without reason, he felt that the child's feelings were as sensitive as the feelings of adults who paid attention and imitated.

"Feeling sad about disappointment and anger is a natural thing not to limit the child's feelings. Children's feelings are more sensitive than adults, they pay attention and imitate," he continued.

For him, expressing is something that must be done as long as it does not harm others. "You don't need to be afraid to express yourself as long as what you do doesn't hurt people, do it," he said.