7 Side Effects Of Compressing Faces With Ice Stones, Anything?

YOGYAKARTA Compressing the face with ice cubes can indeed shrink the pores and make facial skin look fresher. However, did you know that there are side effects of compressing the face with ice cubes?

Health problems that have the potential to arise due to compressing faces with ice cubes are very diverse, ranging from headaches to making the skin too sensitive.

This article will discuss side effects of compressing the face with ice cubes. Summarized from various sources, Saturday, June 29, 2024, here is the full information.

1. Headache

The side effect of compressing the face with ice cubes is that it causes headaches.

This side effect can arise because there is too much pressure on the facial skin layer. This pressure can cause negative responses from the head with sudden appearance of headaches.

2. Damage to the skin layer

Too long compressing the face with ice cubes can damage skin tissue and cause cold inflammation. Especially if you put the ice directly after exposure to the sun, according to Medical News Today.

Symptoms of cold inflammation that have the potential to appear, such as numbness or tingling sensations, to the pale part of the skin.

Not only that,nealing the ice too hard can also make the skin exfoliate or depletion of the skin layer.

3. Inflammatory on the skin

Side effects compress the face with rock ice the next is inflammation on the skin. This side effect needs to be watched out for because it is very dangerous, because it causes swelling.

In addition, frozen skin layers due to exposure to cold temperatures can increase the risk of serious inflammation.

4. The lower capillary of the face is broken

Exposure to the cold temperature of ice cubes can also make the lower capillary of the face burst. This can happen if you compress your face with ice cubes for a long duration.

This side effect is caused by changes in the temperature that are too extreme in the skin layer so that the skin shows excessive reactions. Therefore, avoid compressing your face with ice cubes for a long time.

5. Appear acne on the surface of the face

Compressing a face with ice cubes without being covered with waslap cloth or ice pack can trigger acne on the facial skin.

The risk of acne can increase due to bacteria contained in ice cubes. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the water used to make ice cubes. Do not use dirty water and not sterile.

6. Facial skin getting drier

Owners of dry skin are not advised to apply ice cubes on the facial skin. Instead of moisturizing, ice cubes will make the skin drier.

This is because ice cubes do not have moisturizing content. In addition, ice cubes only have water levels that can temporarily moisturize the skin.

7. Skin becomes more sensitive

The side effect of compressing the face with rock ice is to make the skin more sensitive. Sensitive skin is characterized by reddish, dry, itchy, and peeling skin.

Excessive skin will also make the skin more easily react to the skin care products you use.

This is information about side effects of compressing the face with ice cubes. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.