Santrinya Diduga Dianiaya, Ponpes Aziziyah Lombok Barat: Kondisi Di RS Berbeda Dengan Saat Tinggalkan Pondok

The Al-Aziziyah Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) in West Lombok Regency claims that there is no evidence of mistreatment of a female student with the initials NI (13) from Ende, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) who is currently undergoing medical treatment at the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) dr. Raden Soedjono.

"So, from the results of our checks at the hut, all ustazah, this NI friend student is in the same room, the kitchen aunt where he often talks, we have also checked all the CCTV here, there is no evidence that leads to the alleged abuse, that's why we are surprised," said Herman Sorengana, attorney for the Al-Aziziyah Islamic Boarding School in West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Thursday, June 27, was confiscated by Antara.

If there is a commotion or fight between students or with teaching staff and dorm caregivers, he continued, the boarding school must know about this.

"So, there is indeed evidence that there is no alleged abuse, even if there is, the boarding school must know about it," he said.

He also shared that the boarding school had traced the activities of NI female students before finally undergoing medical treatment at dr. Raden Soedjono in East Lombok Regency.

"We are tracing its activities from June 12 to 14, 2024," he said.

Herman said that on June 12, 2024, NI female students heard complaining of a lump of pus such as acne in the nose. NI's colleague had suggested to go to the clinic for treatment.

"However, the suggestion was ignored, instead our female student was seen by her friend stabbing the lump with a pentul," he said.

Then, the next day, on Thursday, June 13 afternoon, NI female students complained of fever and a lump of pus on their nose that appeared to be broken and had holes.

"Our doctor immediately checked, the NI female students were taken to our clinic, given medicine according to complaints of illness. Her complaint was fever and swelling under the eyes," said Herman.

Because his condition has not improved, he said, the boarding school then contacted NI's parents who live in NTT.

"So, after contacting his family, he told him that NI's health condition, his uncle or guardian from our female student picked him up, Friday afternoon (June 14)," he said.

From CCTV monitoring on Friday, June 14 afternoon, Herman ensured that NI female students seemed to still be able to walk to the vehicle.

"That's why, we were shocked after seeing the condition of NI at the hospital, it was different from his condition when he left the hut. It was five days from the pick-up," he said.

By telling the results of such a search, Herman said the boarding school also wanted to know what caused the health problems of NI female students who now have to undergo medical treatment using a ventilator at dr. Raden Soedjono Hospital.

"That's why we also want to know what the reason is, we are still waiting for the results of the hospital's diagnosis," said Herman.

By knowing the current condition of the NI female students, Herman said that the Al-Aziziyah Islamic Boarding School and all students also prayed for NI's recovery.

"We are very sad to see the condition of our female students, we still pray, hopefully our female students will recover quickly, recover quickly so they can reunite with their colleagues in the dormitory," he said.