PAN Hopes Its Cadres Are Not Included In The List Of 82 Members Of The DPR Involved In Online Gambling
JAKARTA - Chairman of the PAN faction of the DPR, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, responded to the PPATK report which noted that 82 members of the DPR were involved in online gambling. The chairman of the PAN DPP hopes that his cadres will not be included in the list of 82 members of the DPR who stumbled on the case.
"Of course, we hope that PAN is not in it, hopefully yes. But if there is, of course we will be fair to try to trace what kind of involvement it is because I heard that up to a thousand people are amazing," said Saleh at the PAN DPP office, South Jakarta, Thursday, June 27.
Saleh assessed that the problem of online gambling is a matter of mentality. The legislator for the North Sumatra electoral district wants the mentality of the people in all lines to be well built, especially members of the DPR. Because according to him, it is not good if DPR members representing the community are actually involved in online gambling.
"So that's why we ask PPATK to give us the names. If for example there are parties, then they are handed over to the factions, the names. So later let us investigate what kind of things, and we will take steps that are in accordance with organizational rules and party regulations," said Saleh.
If later there are members of the PAN faction who are entangled in online gambling, Saleh said, his party will do several things. First, check the truth of the information and data whether the person concerned is really involved in judol or not to be given sanctions.
"Because later we will show the data and facts from PPATK, we will show them like this, later if there is an acknowledgment, of course, there are various actions," he explained.
"For example, a warning can be given, written sanctions, warning sanctions, various kinds of things, and I think it is very important so that this does not become a habit, from the Pan side of the Pan, of course," said Saleh.
Second, asking the government to close online gambling sites. Because according to him, judol sites circulating on social media provoke people to play.
"That's because there are open sites, so people can play, if the sites are closed, God willing, there won't be any," said the former chairman of PP Pemuda Muhamadiyah.
"And this online gambling is more dangerous than last gambling. Remember, there used to be a porkas, there was an SDSB, there was a lottery, that's already dangerous. If you look at it, people used to have coffee at the coffee shop first, they played togel, SDSB, porkas first, and it was already painful, so the people's money was spent a lot on it. And it's very dangerous, we really have to handle it, don't let there be more victims in that society," concluded Saleh.