Bareskrim Polri Arrests Chinese Citizen Who Tricked 800 Indonesians

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police arrested a foreign citizen (WNA) from China with the initials SZ who was the perpetrator of online fraud or scams and the Crime of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO). The perpetrator is said to have tricked 800 Indonesian citizens (WNI).

"(Arrest) one suspect SZ for his fraud or online scam case," said Deputy Director of Cyber Crime at the National Police, Kombes Dani Kustoni, to reporters, Thursday, June 27.

SZ was arrested in the Abu Dhabi area. The arrests were made after the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit investigators coordinated with the National Police's International Relations Division (Divhubinter).

In addition, SZ's arrest was the result of the development of an online scam case that was handled previously.

"What we have previously done is an arrest, so this is the most important thing we take (arrest)," he said.

It was not explained in detail about the framework of the online scam case. It is only conveyed when hundreds of people have become victims.

"For the victims, we have data on approximately 800 Indonesian citizens," said Dani.