Magic Competition Roads Second Round Through Additional Minute Launch

JAKARTA - The band alternative-pop Magic Competition is preparing to open a new page by launching a second album. This plan is a continuation of the success of the album Welcome to the End of the World in 2021.

As the opening of the second album, the band consisting of Baskara Putra, Natasha Udu, Rayhan Noor, Enrico Octaviano, and Tristan Juliano will launch a single titled An Additional MINUTE on June 28. Not only as an opening, this song is the main single for the upcoming album.

The release of the new single coincided with a showcase titled "2 Hours with Magic Contest". There are slightly different identities and structures introduced by the Magic Contest through their latest work. "Additionary MINUTEs" prioritize a more rocky side with Natasha Udu taking on the role of the main vocalist.

"Additional MINUTEs" can be likened to an encouragement hype for music lovers who have to enter the'second wheels' of life that may be tougher than the challenges they have faced before.

"After a deep discussion between the five of us, we arrived at two conclusions. First, we are ready to continue our adventure as a Magic Contest. Second, we all have an interesting perspective on time," said Magic Competition personnel in a statement, Thursday, June 27.

"When we talk about time, it means we are alluding to the age, the social pressure we feel as we get older, new concerns after the pandemic, and so on. Time will then become the epicenter for our second album, which begins with the opening single entitled This Additional Minute."

Furthermore, the Magic Competition views "Additional MINUTEs" as a reflection of changing attitudes in life after going through three years of the pandemic.

"What's interesting is that the pandemic not only affects the physical health and the Indonesian music industry, but also our mindsets and psychological conditions," said the Magic Contest.

"As a band, we also see the current as a second opportunity after going through a long test. This second opportunity should be utilized as well as possible, but at the same time we cannot deny the concern that this one life round could be more brutal than during the pandemic round."

In the end, "Additional MINUTEs" as the main single is just a more complete snippet of the body, which will be manifested through their second album in the future.

"Our sarcastic morals will continue to exist, but this time, instead of insinuating Jakarta, we will probably be more sarcastic to ourselves. Our second album will be more internally-oriented and not external factors. Apart from 'time', we think other keywords that can describe our second album in the future will be'reflection'," said the Magic Contest ending.