PAN Agrees Zulkifli Hasan To Become Chairman By Aklamation In The Future Congress

JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Zulkifli Hasan is said to be re-elected by acclamation at the upcoming PAN Congress VI.

This was conveyed by the Secretary General of PAN Eddy Soeparno at the DPP PAN office, South Jakarta, Thursday, June 27.

Eddy revealed that all cadres agreed that Zulkifli Hasan would return to be the general chairman of PAN.

"It has become public consumption, it has been reported that our congress agenda, thank God, has agreed to unite the agenda of the congress to determine Mr. Zulkifli Hasan, Ketum, to serve the next five years, and that is the result of filtering the aspirations of all PAN cadres from branches to provinces and centers," said Eddy.

However, before the congress, continued Eddy, PAN will first hold the 4th National Working Meeting in Jakarta on Saturday, June 29, 2024. The National Working Meeting, he said, is the second highest decision-making forum in the party to discuss party activities in the future.

"Uniknya di PAN, kita pada saat melakukan Rakernas itu banyak agenda yang dibahas. Tapi di Rakernas tertentu biasanya menjelang Rakernas ke-4 dan ke 5 agendanya tunggal. Rakernas tahun kemarin agenda tunggal kita menetapkan capres dan cawapres dari PAN. Rakernas yang akan datang, kita juga akan menentukan tanggal dan pelaksan konstres," jelas Eddy.

According to Eddy, the appointment of Zulhas as the sole candidate for chairman of PAN is a form of democracy within PAN.

"We listen, absorb and implement the aspirations and desires of grassroots to the center to be decided then through democracy, namely congress," said Eddy.