High Jakarta Online Judi Transactions, DPRD Reminds Enforcement To Be Carried Out Until The Bandar Snare

JAKARTA - Jakarta is one of the areas with the highest level of online gambling transactions in Indonesia. Responding to this, Secretary of Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Ahmad Yani reminded that the eradication of online gambling must be carried out firmly.

Yani emphasized that the Online Judi Eradication Task Force that has been formed by the central government must also target its roots, namely the dealers who are still carrying out these activities.

Tidak cukup menghentikan akun atau server terkait dengan judi online. Tetapi bagaimana menjerat dealer dan menelusuri rekening mereka dengan pendekatan tindak pidana pencucian uang (TPPU), kata Yani dalam keterangannya, Kamis, 27 Juni.

Meanwhile, a member of Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Dwi Rio Sambodo, emphasized that law enforcers need to immediately freeze accounts and track the flow of funds. Given that the Financial Services Authority (OJK) has ordered banks to block thousands of accounts related to online gambling.

"Therefore, OJK must also be more assertive towards banks that neglect to carry out their reporting obligations or KYC (know your customer)," said Rio.

Previously, the Head of the Online Judi Eradication Task Force who is also the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Hadi Tjahjanto, revealed a list of districts/cities with the highest online gambling transaction value in Indonesia. The highest is West Jakarta.

"At the district/city level, namely the West Jakarta Administrative City (with online gambling transactions) of Rp. 792 billion," Hadi said at a press conference at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture's Office, Tuesday, June 25.

Regencies/cities with the second highest online gambling transactions are Bogor City with a transaction of Rp612 billion, then Bogor Regency Rp567 billion, East Jakarta Administrative City Rp480 billion, and North Jakarta Administrative City Rp430 billion.

Meanwhile, in demographics in the sub-district, the area most exposed to online gambling is South Bogor District with 3,720 players and transactions reaching Rp349 billion.

Then the city that was exposed to online gambling was the second to seventh highest in Jakarta, namely Tambora District with 7,916 players with online gambling transactions of Rp196 billion, Cengkareng District with 14,782 perpetrators with money outstanding Rp176 billion.

Furthermore, Tanjung Priok District as many as 954 players with transactions worth Rp139 billion, Kemayoran District as many as 6,080 players with transactions worth Rp118 billion, Kalideres District as many as 9,825 players with transactions worth Rp113 billion, and Penjaringan District as many as 7,127 players with transactions worth Rp108 billion.

"These idols have penetrated to the village level, village level, and the modus operandi is that the sale and purchase of accounts and refills include them," explained Hadi.

"In action, we immediately gathered the sub-district heads, village heads, village heads to participate in eradicating and must be responsible that in their area they are used as nests to play online gambling, especially their citizens," he added.