President Jokowi Blusukan To Central Kalimantan Bantok Beringin Market, Make Sure The Price Of Basic Materials Is Stable

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) visited the Beringin Buntok Market in South Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan Province to ensure price stability of basic commodities.

Arriving at the market, Jokowi was greeted enthusiastically by traders and local residents, according to a written statement from the Press Bureau of the Presidential Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, June 27.

President Jokowi then toured the market and had direct dialogue with traders to check the prices of basic commodities.

On that occasion, Saudah, a basic food trader at the Beringin Buntok Market, stated that the price of basic commodities is currently stable.

"Now (the price) is stable," he said.

Saudah also expressed her gratitude to be able to meet the Head of State as well as get business capital assistance.

"I am happy (to get assistance) for business capital, add business capital," said Saudah.

Meanwhile, Sairu, a vegetable trader at the market, stated that the prices of basic commodities this month are still stable. Sairu also expressed his happiness in meeting the President.

"I feel very happy, we as residents of Central Kalimantan are very grateful to Mr. President Joko Widodo for Central Kalimantan, hopefully this will be useful for us and thank you very much from the residents of Central Kalimantan," he said.

The Firm, a fish trader, noted an increase in sales this month although the price of some items also rose slightly. The firm revealed that he was happy to meet the President.

"Alhamdulillah, thank you Pak Jokowi, I hope you are always healthy, long life," said Firma.

Siti Mariani, another trader, conveyed that the prices of basic commodities were stable and there was an increase in buyers. Siti Mariani is proud and hopes that the President's visit to the Beringin Buntok Market can help stabilize the prices of basic commodities.

"We hope that traders will stabilize prices, they will be expensive," said Siti.