SE Ban On Tourist Study Students In West Sumatra Revoked, Schools Asked To Pay Attention To Security Tour Routes

SUMBAR - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of West Sumatra (West Sumatra) has revoked a circular (SE) prohibiting tourism or touring studies for students during the 2024 school holiday season.

Head of the West Sumatra Education Office, Barlius said, in the latest SE, students in West Sumatra are allowed to go on tour but still have to consider six things. "These six points aim to provide clear guidance for schools in planning and carrying out activities outside the school during the holiday period," he said in Padang, Thursday, June 27, which was confiscated by Antara.

The six points in the latest SE Number: 094.3/715/DISDIK-2024 concerning Darmatourism/Study Tours/ Camps or Other Activities, contain the activities in question that must take into account the principles of benefits and security for all students, teachers and education personnel. Second, the school must ensure that the vehicle used is a healthy bus and obtains permission from the Transportation Service. Third, schools must ensure that drivers carrying vehicles have valid SIMs and are in good health, have knowledge and experience of carrying cars and understand the routes taken.

Poin keempat, sekolah harus memperhatikan keamanan rute yang dijalankan dengan berkoordinasi terhadap pihak-pihak terkait. Kelima, seluruh siswa yang berangkat harus mendapat izin daripada daripada masing-masing. Poin terakhir tidak memberatkan siswa dan orang tua dalam harus dalam hal pembiayaan.Barlius berharap surat circular ini dapat dijadikan pemandoran tentang tata cara pelaksan pelaksanaan kegiatan daripatwisata, study tour, campur, atau kegiatan lainnya di lingkungan sekolah selama masa liburan sekolah.Pencabutan SE banjir darantawisata terse tersebut diterima positif pelaku usa usahahatan pari pariwisata di Sumbar. Ketuawa yang sebelumnya telah berencanakan ke Sumbar juga tibatan-tiba membatalkan kunjung," ujarnya.I ia berharap dengan pengunduhan SE terse tersebut, pergerakan wisatawan di Sumbar bisa kembali meningkatkan.