The Curhat Quarantine Agency There Are 1,918 BMNs That Have Not Been Recovered By The KKP

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Quarantine Agency (Barantin) said there was still a shortage of 1,918 state-owned goods (BMN) that had not been transferred by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) for fisheries and marine quarantine activities.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Indonesian Quarantine Agency, Sahat Manaor Panggabean, in a Hearing Meeting on the Directions and Governance Policy of the Marine and Fishery Product Quality Control and Supervision Agency of Commission IV of the DPR RI at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Thursday, June 27.

"Regarding the transfer of BMN from the KKP, the head of the head (Ishartini Marine and Fisheries Product Quality Supervisory and Control Agency) there are around 8,138 units and in fact there are still a shortage of around 1,918 items, which if permissible it is handed over to the Indonesian Quarantine Agency," said Sahat.

Even though there are still deficiencies, said Sahat, his party will immediately coordinate with the KKP to resolve them. Thus, fisheries and marine quarantine activities are not disrupted.

"But, later our team will discuss it further. The leadership advice (Chairman of Commission IV DPR RI) earlier so that quarantine activities should not be disturbed due to this merger," he said.

In addition, Sahat also expressed his gratitude to the KKP for the cooperation that has been established so far. He hopes that the transfer of all quarantine assets from the KKP to the Indonesian Quarantine Agency can be completed soon.

"Hopefully everything can be completed in June. So that all the (transversion) of the budget, human resources (HR) and assets can be completely completed," said Sahat.

"Once again I thank the KKP for its cooperation so far. Although there is a slight lack, I think it is the dynamics and indeed we can understand. However, all are committed to bringing this quarantine to a better direction," he concluded.