Waka Komisi III Calls 82 Members Of The DPR Involved In Online Gambling

Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR Prince Khairul Saleh said as many as 82 members of the DPR were involved in online gambling. This figure was obtained by Prince from the PPATK report after a working meeting with Commission III of the DPR, Wednesday, June 26 yesterday.

"There are 82 members of the DPR RI who were involved in judol," said Prince at the DPP PAN office, South Jakarta, June 27.

Pangeran menyebut PPATK belum memberikan data ke Komisi III DPR. Dia mengungkapkan, PPATK akan melaporkan langsung data-data anggota yang terlibat judol kepada MKD DPR. Selanjutnya, MKD DPR akan menggantikan untuk memberikan sanksi.

"They will be informed by PPATK in the next few days, who is suspected of being told Commission III or to the MKD. Now the MKD will process those involved in these 82 people," said Pangeran.

Pangeran mengatakan, sebanyak 82 orang tersebut merupakan anggota DPR aktif yang saat ini masih bertugas di parlemen. Namun ia enggan mengungkapkan apakah ada anggota komisi III yang terlibat atau tidak.

"Members of the council are active. It will end in October soon," he said.

Prince emphasized that MKD could directly process the 82 members without any complaints first. Moreover, according to him, online gambling is a public disease that needs to be eradicated so that if a member of the DPR is involved, the ethics of the diversity needs to be questioned.

"Automatically, MKD is active, he can take it himself to PPATK, or wait for PPATK to report to MKD or to Commission III. What is clear is that MKD will take a stand," said Pangeran.

"Sedi is a concentrated disease of the community. But if the members of the council involved are outrageous too," he concluded.