6 Reasons Why They Are Often Fatigue When Interacting Socially

YOGYAKARTA Socially connected has a good effect on health and is expected to prolong life. When a person is socially isolated for a long time, the danger is the same as smoking more than 15 sticks per day. However, if you feel tired after social interaction, there is a reason. Maybe you experience the following below which makes you often run out of energy.

Socially connected not only attendance, but also connected on social media, such as sending messages, comments, or pictures and memes. It doesn't mean you have to turn off your phone all day long. It's just that you need to manage time so that you don't have 24-hour non-stop socialization either through face-to-face interactions or virtual world'. That is, you also need to prioritize rest time from social interactions. Turn off notifications while you are resting and serve email for a certain period of time.

Everyone has a different social speed personally. You don't need to force your social speed. Because if forced, you will feel tired afterward. Launching the mggRelationship, Thursday, June 27, it's important to think about social speed personally. Like how long you can be in social interaction and work optimally in social life. The goal of recognizing how fast social speed is, is to optimize energy without draining energy.

The average social attention range is people, for 30 minutes. Interacting with clients 120 minutes and meeting good friends for 60 minutes. To last longer, you can take a break. Like by walking around a place social, stretching, or otherwise.

According to Perpetua Neo psychologist and teacher DClinPsy, the social style between introverts and extroverts is different. So knowing it is important to maximize without making yourself tired. Extroverts like to talk or chat with many people. Unlike the most happy introverts chatting with only two or three people. If you are often exhausted when talking to many people, it's important to recognize how your social style is and find a strategy to develop yourself without feeling tired.

If you are often relied on by others to listen to and solve their problems, maybe one time it will be tiring for you. Being good is certainly good, but you have to know the limits. Because this is an emotional job, recognize how much information you can accommodate. This can also be a reason why you are often exhausted when interacting socially.

Save hatred and revenge, sometimes tiring. Even if you save those feelings yourself, it will drain you of energy. It's very comfortable, when you can enjoy interactions with other people in positive feelings.

Outside of social interactions you have problems that need to be resolved, it's a good idea to recognize this. Because sometimes you have 100 percent energy but are not allocated optimally because you think about other things that are more energy-depleting. For example, when you experience a crisis, a busy season, waiting for someone's news, and others. This will make your energy easily drained even if you interact socially at least.

Those are the six reasons why you are often tired when interacting socially. As explained above, it is important to recognize personal boundaries. Good about how long it is allocated to socialize, to recognize social styles.