Prosecutors Accept Phase II Handover 3 Corruption Suspects Issuance Of Protected Forest SHM In Pagaralam, South Sumatra

SUMSEL - Pagaralam District Attorney's Office (Kejari) in South Sumatra (Sumsel) carried out phase II of three corruption suspects in the issuance of certificates of property rights (SHM) for protected forests in Pagaralam.

"Today the Pagaralam Kejari carried out phase II, namely the submission of suspects and evidence of corruption cases in the issuance of certificates of property rights belonging to protected forests," said Head of the South Sumatra Attorney General's Office, Vanni Yulia Eka, in Palembang, Thursday, June 27, which was confiscated by Antara.

The three suspects are BW, YAP, and N picked up from the Pagaralam City Class III prison to be handed over to the public prosecutor. "Until the second stage process is complete, and the three defendants are returned to the Pagaralam City Class III prison, everything is going smoothly without interruption," he said. In this phase II process, Vanni said the Special Crime Section regarding security support was a preventive effort to ensure smooth activities. Then in every activity that requires security support in the future, especially in the case of the issuance of the Pagaralam City protected forest SHM.