Taiwanese Foreigner Dies While Snorkeling In Gili Air, North Lombok

North LOMBOK - A tourist from Taiwan was found dead while snorkeling in Gili Air waters, North Lombok, on Tuesday. The victim, known as Fang Jhih Jie (33 years old) was found on his back and did not move on the seabed at around 12.00 WITA.

The Head of the WINNing Police, Iptu Hadi Suprayitno, said that the victim who was staying at Youpy Bungalow borrowed snorkeling equipment at around 10.30 WITA. "About two hours later, another tourist who was snorkeling in the area saw the victim lying on the seabed," said Hadi Suprayitno, Thursday, June 27.

The witness then shouted and informed other tourists around the location. The victim was then evacuated to the ground and Youpy Bungalow contacted the Gili Air Center clinic.

First aid efforts with a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) were carried out by clinical medical personnel, but the victim did not show a response and was declared dead.

"The clinic health worker estimates that the victim died when he was found," said Hadi.

The victim's body was then evacuated to Bhayangkara Hospital by the Pemenang Police and Gili Indah Police Post. Currently, the Pemenang Police are still investigating the incident.