Police Investigate Death Of 3 Youths In Sukabumi Poisoning Oplosan Alcohol

SUKABUMI - Cisaat Police personnel and Sukabumi City Police are investigating the death of three youths in the Cisaat District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java on Monday (24/6) which is suspected to have been caused by drinking adulterated liquor (alcohol).

"We have examined the location where the first victim was found, namely IR (25), precisely around the saung in Kutasirna Village and visited the residence of two other dead victims," said Sukabumi City Police Chief AKBP Ari Setyawan Wibowo, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 26.

Meanwhile, Cisaat Police Chief AKP Yanto Sudiarto explained the chronology of the deaths of three youths starting when IR, D and Dd bought two bottles of 70 percent alcohol from Seino and IKA mixed with supplement drinks on Monday afternoon but it is not yet known at what time they mixed the mixed alcohol.

It is suspected that these three young men had an adulterated alcohol party in a saung in Kutasirna Village. After drinking the illicit drink, it is suspected that they were poisoned where IR survived around the saung with an unconscious condition, while two of his colleagues, D and Dd, returned to their home in Kadudampit District, Sukabumi Regency.

Then on Tuesday (25/6) at around 16.00 WIB, the CISaat Police received a report of the discovery of a young man around the saung in critical condition who was then rushed to Betha Medika Cisaat Hospital and at 18.10 WIB the victim was declared dead.

After being developed, it turned out that there were two other victims, namely D and Dd. The police then went to the victim's family's residence and received information that both of them had died as a result of drinking the mixed alcohol.

From the information from D's family, who is a resident of Kadudampit Subdistrict, was declared dead by his family on Tuesday at around 14:45 WIB, while Dd died by R Syamsudin SH Hospital on the same day at around 23.55 WIB.

"According to information from their family and hospital, they died of poisoning from mixed alcohol made by the victims by mixing two bottles of 70 percent alcohol mixed with three packs of supplementary drinks," he added.