Government Sincerely Releases Data On PDNS 2 Lost, But Make Sure The Data Stays Safe

JAKARTA - Telkom Indonesia Network and IT Solution Director Herlan Wijarnako confirmed that all data at the Temporary Data Center (PDNS) 2 affected by the Cipher Brain ransomware attack could no longer be recovered.

"We are being screened by BSSN and in collaboration with all those related, yes, we are working hard to recover with the resources we have, which is clear that we can't recover the data that has been affected by this ransom," said Herlan at the latest PDNS 2 update conference on Wednesday, June 26.

Previously, the Head of the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) Hinsa Siburian said that the perpetrators of the attack had encrypted the data they managed to obtain from PDNS 2. Thus, the government cannot see or access the data.

However, after that, Telkom Sigma as the person in charge of PDNS 2 together with BSSN had made efforts to isolate the data, so that the perpetrators could no longer misuse the data.

"From the temporary audit conducted by the BSSN team, the data condition is encrypted but on the spot, and now we have isolated the PDNS 2 system. No one can access it, we cut off access from outside," explained Herlan.

Until now, Herlan said that 44 agencies or tenants have data backups and can be migrated. Thus, Telkom Sigma is recovering to be able to reactivate its services.

"So approximately 44 tenants, so we include this as a recovery stage one, so we contact, then we clarify it with tenants and we start trying to activate the service, of course through medium temporary, yes," he said further.

Director General of Information and Public Communication (IKP) Usman Kansong also said that until now, there are five tenants whose services have recovered, including immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, LKPP SIKAP services, Marves Coordinator for licensing services for events, digital ASN, and Silal services.