Regarding The Fate Of Wahono Kolega Rafael Alun In The Case Of The Directorate General Of Taxes, The KPK: Just Wait

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said the investigation by the Head of East Jakarta Intermediate KPP (Jaktim) Wahono Saputro was continuing.

As a reminder, Wahono was clarified by his assets by the anti-corruption commission. This step is due to the connection between former officials of the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) Rafael Alun Trisambodo who were known during the process of investigating alleged gratification and money laundering (TPPU).

"Regarding the WH brother who is the Directorate General of Taxes, this is still, as far as I know, the case is still ongoing," said KPK Investigation Director Asep Guntur Rahayu to reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, quoted Wednesday, June 26.

Asep asked the public to be patient regarding this investigation. This is because the anti-corruption commission still has queues for handling cases.

"We will announce it in due time. It's just that, of course, we want to convey that at this time it is only for investigation, in the investigation (only, ed) there are more than 100 cases that we are handling," he said.

Asep ensured that the existing cases would be resolved. However, the process will be carried out in stages.

Likewise with the investigation of Wahono. "Yes, just wait. The case is ongoing," said Asep.

As previously reported, Rafael Alun Trisambodo, a former official of the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance, has been sentenced to 14 years in prison by the Jakarta Corruption Court which was later upheld by the Jakarta High Court on March 7, 2024. He was sentenced to a criminal sentence of Rp. 500 million, subsidiary to three months in prison.

In addition, Rafael was also required to pay a replacement money of Rp. 10,079,095,519. However, PT Jakarta asked for proof of money laundering offenses in the form of a house on Simprug Golf Street to be returned.

Not accepting, the anti-corruption commission then filed an appeal on April 25. They want to confiscate Rafael's assets allegedly from the proceeds of corruption as a form of return to state finances as stated in the indictment.