Not Attending The Pretrial Session Of Pegi Setiawan, West Java Police Reasons There Are Other Agendas

The West Java Regional Police (Polda Jabar) explained the reason for not attending the first pretrial hearing of the Vina murder suspect, Pegi Setiawan, which was actually held at the West Java District Court, Monday, June 24, 2024.

The Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Kombes Jules Abraham Abast, explained that his party had received an invitation from the West Java District Court to attend the first pretrial hearing of Pegi Setiawan. However, the absence of the West Java Police was caused by another agenda at the same time.

"Because there is another previously scheduled agenda, the West Java Regional Police cannot attend the inaugural pretrial hearing," said Kombes Jules Abraham Abast Tuesday, 24 evening.

Furthermore, Jules ensures that it will attend the pretrial hearing on July 1, 2024.

"The West Java Police will attend the pretrial hearing on the next schedule, namely on July 1, 2024. We ensure that the West Java Police's legal team will attend the trial," he said.

In addition, the West Java Regional Police also continue to prepare court materials that have been prepared by their legal team.

"We ensure that the West Java Regional Police will attend the next pretrial hearing. Our legal team has prepared the trial material optimally so that the trial runs well," he said.

As previously reported, the trial for the pretrial of Pegi Setiawan at the Bandung District Court was postponed because the West Java Police's legal team was not present at the inaugural hearing. This was conveyed by the sole judge Eman Sulaiman during the trial on Monday.

"The respondent, West Java Police, did not attend without giving an explanation. His summons had been received by the respondent. The reason for his absence was unknown. The trial was postponed for one week," said Eman Sulaiman.

The pretrial hearing of Pegi Setiawan is rescheduled for July 1, 2024. According to the rules, if the West Java Regional Police does not attend again, the trial will continue.