Menparekraf Welcomes The Positive Young Generation Of Malay Music Exploration

JAKARTA - Music Malay is a tradition that is part of the identity of the Indonesian state. Therefore, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno appreciated the musicians who tried to preserve this traditional music.
One of the younger generations who explored Malay music was a musician from North Sumatra, Halim Arafat Siregar alias Regar. He introduces the urban Malay music genre which is expected to attract the younger generation to maintain its traditions.
"This budget is a young initiator of the Malay urban music genre which we should appreciate," he said as quoted in a press release by the ministry in Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Tuesday.
Deputy for Marketing of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Ni Made Ayu Marthini said that the creativity of young people such as Regar deserves to be implemented and promoted.
"We welcome the presence of urban Malay (music genre) because Malay is one of the cultural bases that we need to support and we raise as part of a traditional-based creative economy," he said.
Regar collaborated with musician Sandy Canester, founder of a local record label, to popularize the urban Malay music genre.
"So, the way I introduce Malay music to young people is by packing those songs with modern sound," said Regar.
Sandy Canester argued that urban Malay is a musical genre that he has initiated with Regar to increase the appeal of Malay music for the younger generation.
"We think that Malay music as the root of our culture can be related to the current conditions, can be accepted by young people now," said Sandy Canester.