Secretary General Of Gerindra Has Not Signed A Recommendation Letter In The Jakarta Gubernatorial Election

Secretary General of the Gerindra Party Ahmad Muzani stated that he had not signed or signed a recommendation letter for anyone as a candidate for governor in the Jakarta Pilkada.

This was emphasized by Muzani in response to the coalition agreement to carry Ridwan Kamil in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election. The reason is, Ridwan Kamil is still 'detained' by the Golkar Party to be pushed forward in the West Java gubernatorial election.

"I have not signed a recommendation for DKI, for anyone (including Ridwan Kamil, ed)," said Muzani, Tuesday, June 25.

Gerindra, continued Muzani, also had no other figure in the Jakarta Pilkada besides Ridwan Kamil. He reiterated that Gerindra had not issued a recommendation letter for anyone.

Muzani said Gerindra and Golkar were discussing the best figures to be champions in the upcoming Jakarta Pilkada. However, the chairman of the Gerindra faction in the DPR did not mention who the most suitable figure was to lead Jakarta, which is now a special area.

"It is being discussed. The hope is that people who have the potential to lead Jakarta will be even better," said Muzani.

Previously, the Chairman of the Democratic Party BPOKK, Herman Khaeron, revealed that for the time being the Forward Indonesia Coalition (KIM) agreed to the former Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil to run in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. Meanwhile, for the West Java Pilkada, KIM approved Gerindra politician, Dedi Mulyadi as a candidate for governor.

"Yes, while talks like that," said Herman Khaeron, Tuesday, June 25.

Herman claims, KIM will be solid regarding the candidacy in DK Jakarta. However, for now, he said, the political dynamics of the Jakarta Pilkada are still under discussion.

"We'll see later on the coalition's decision, what is certain is that KIM for Jakarta, KIM is solid to produce DKJ leaders, which of course will be in accordance with the expectations and wishes of the people of Jakarta," he said.