After Glastonbury Festival, Voice Of Baceprot Will Appear On SXSW Sydney

Voice of Baceprot (VoB) set a new record as the first Indonesian line-up for the Glastonbury Festival. Marsya (vocals, guitars), Widi (bass), and Siti (drums) will appear on the Woodsies Stage on June 28.

Glastonbury isn't the only world music festival VoB will visit this year. The trio from Garut is also known to be the line up for Sydney's SXSW which will take place in October.

The entry of VoB in the line-up has been announced through the upload of the SXSW Sydney Instagram account. They will appear with musicians and groups from other countries, such as Jeshi (England), Phoebe Rings (United States), Brekky Boy (Australia), ANDR (Taiwan), and Mali (India).

VoB with pride through Instagram uploads also conveyed similar information. They are happy to have the opportunity to appear for the first time in Australia.

"I'm very happy to be able to appear in this country for the first time this October!" wrote Voice of Baceprot in the caption of the upload, Tuesday, June 25.

Not only that, but VoB also informed that they are preparing for a tour of Australia.

'Warning tour! Look forward to the update!'

For information, Voice of Baceprot has become one of the Indonesian bands that has often traveled abroad in recent years. Previously they had toured in the United States and Europe.