7 School Holiday Destinations In Solo, Kids Friendly And Suitable For Family

YOGYAKARTA - Solo has become one of the favorite holiday destinations for many other than Jogja. This city is always crowded with tourists during holidays, including school holidays. The city nicknamed the spirit of java does have a variety of tourist attractions suitable for family refreshing.

There are many choices of family tourist destinations in Solo that you can visit with your partner and children. The city, which is located in Central Java, offers a complete variety of tours, ranging from historical places, natural tourism, city parks, to arts and cultural agendas.

Moreover, since the last few years the city of Solo has experienced many developments and displays a new face that is more interesting. If you and your family want to spend time on vacation, this city is the right option. So which tours in Solo are required to enter a vacation bucket list with family?

Taking children or family on vacation can be an interesting activity when going to school. When going on vacation with your children, of course you want to go to tourist attractions that are child-friendly or kids friendly. A solo city can be the right destination for traveling because here there are a variety of tourist attractions that are suitable for the family.

Here are some choices of tourist destinations in solo that are interesting to visit during school holidays:

Zoos have always been a popular destination during school holidays. In the city of Solo, there is also a safari park that can be visited, namely Solo Safari. In this place, you and your family can see various types of attractive and well-maintained animals.

Solo Safari is an update or revitalization version of the previous zoo, namely Taru Jurug Animal Park. Since the transformation, this safari park now offers more attraction. Not only is the list of animals that are increasingly diverse, here there are also educational tours and others.

De Tjolomadoe is a former sugar factory building that has been converted into a cool museum. Inside this place, you can see various machines that used to be used to process sugar cane in an area called Milling Station.

Not only offering historical lessons about sugar factories, this museum also features magnificent and aesthetic buildings. In this place, visitors can also experience various interesting facilities such as concert hall, coffee shop, and park areas that are a separate attraction from this museum.

The Heritage Palace used to be a sugar factory built in 1892. This place is now a family tourist destination with various attractive rides. While on the main page of The Heritage Palace, you will be greeted by a magnificent, classic European-style building.

At this tourist spot, you can enjoy the beauty of antique cars displayed similar to the Malang Transport Museum. Several other rides that can be enjoyed at The Heritage Palace include the 3D Trick Art Museum, Omah Kwalik, and Kids Town & Food Street.

Another tourist attraction in the city of Solo that can be visited for recreation as well as studying history is the Surakarta Palace. This great and iconic place in the city of Solo is a tourist destination that should not be missed in Solo. In addition to being able to learn the history of the Surakarta kingdom, visitors can also explore and understand Javanese culture that is still maintained.

The Surakarta Palace stores historical relics such as dating trains and ancient weapons. Visitors can see firsthand ancient and valuable objects inside this palace complex. Tourists can also enter the room inside to capture photos or videos.

Visiting Ngarsopuro Night Market can be a fun activity to fill the holidays. This place has a night market concept filled with culinary stalls, knick-knacks, to entertaining shows.

You can invite your family to come to this place to shop for various unique items such as typical Solo batik, antiques, clothes, and traditional culinary delights. This market is only open on Saturday night for approximately four hours. This short time makes Ngarsopuro Night Market always crowded with visitors.

Balekambang Park is a city park that provides green open space. In addition to its strategic location in the middle of the city, this park is suitable as a family vacation place because it offers various complete facilities.

In the middle of this park there are large shady trees, so the air feels cool and shady. In addition, there are many tame deer that are released into the wild and can be interacted with by visitors. Visitors can experience a relaxing picnic, play wooden duck in Taman Air Partini, or visit Balekambang Reptil Park to see the collection of reptiles available.

The choice of other tourist attractions in Solo that are recommended for family vacations is Pandawa Water World. This place is a waterpark that carries the Mahabarata theme, with Pandawa puppet characters such as Yudhistira, Bima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sadewa which became the main icons.

Pandawa Water World provides various water rides, ranging from wave pools, racer slides, black hole slides, warm spas, and dancing sight showers. Parents who bring their children don't have to worry, because here there is a special pool for children and middlers.

Those are some tourist destinations for school holidays in Solo that you can visit with your family. With the variety of tourist attractions in this city, you can choose to invite children to historical tourism, nature tourism, or explore culinary in Solo. Also read the comfortable tour of children in Jabodetabek.

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