Processing Kemangi Leaves That Are Not Complicated And Delicious

YOGYAKARTA - Kemangi leaves are vegetables that are widely popular, especially in Indonesia. Therefore, it is natural that we often encounter these leaves into a light menu. But not only that, in our country, Kemangi leaves are so diverse and can be used as a variety of delicious dishes.

Because it has a taste, a distinctive aroma, kemangi leaves can become food seasonings and make appetite rise. Well, here are some processed recipes reported by Kookpad:

I. Canalang Sambal Kemangi


How to Make:

II. Kemangi Leaf Chicken Tofu Pepes



How to Make:

III. Tempe Kemul Kemangi


Layer Materials

Smooth seasonings:

How to Make

IV. Pecak Terong Bakar Kemangi


Smooth seasonings:

How to Make:

V. Tumis Mungu Kemangi Pedas


fungal marinasi ingredients:

Smooth seasonings:

Other seasonings

How to Make:

Talking about kemangi, apparently there are 5 Typical Kemangi Leaves in addition to Lowering High Blood Sugar.

So after knowing what the processed kemangi leaves are, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!