The TNI Cyber Team Is Still Investigating Allegations Of Hacking BAIS Data

Head of the Indonesian National Armed Forces Information Center (Kapuspen) Maj. Gen. Nugraha Gumilar stated that the TNI Cyber Team is currently still investigating and investigating the alleged hacking of data belonging to the TNI Strategic Intelligence Agency (BAIS).

Nugraha has not been able to confirm or refute the alleged hack.

"Regarding the X Falcon Feed account (information) that broadcast that the BAIS TNI data was hacked, it is still under in-depth investigation by the TNI Cyber Team," said the Head of the TNI Headquarters as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 24.

On social media timeline X, the account which regularly monitors cyber activity including from illegal sites (dark web) announced a hack by MoonzHaxor hackers from BreachForum against the BAIS system, so they claim to have controlled a number of data belonging to BAIS TNI.

Hackers in the dark data buying and selling forum on the web also provide examples (sample) of the data they control, and promise complete data (full data set) to those who want to pay.

The upload, which is currently being viewed by 484,000 X users, was broadcast on Monday at 10.39 WIB.

In a screenshot of the BreachForum page, MoonzHaxor has been known to join the hacker community since September 2023.

The same hacker last week (22/6) also announced he succeeded in hacking the Indonesian Automatic Finger Indentification System (INAFIS) system of the Indonesian National Police. The data claimed to have been hacked from the INAFIS system includes fingerprints, email addresses, and SpringBoot applications with several configurations.

The data was sold by MoonzHaxor for 1.000 US dollars (equivalent to IDR 16.3 million).

However, the Head of the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) Lt. Gen. Hinsa Siburian during a press conference in Jakarta, Monday, explained that the data claimed was hacked by MoonzHaxor were old data.

"We have confirmed this with the police, that it is their old data that is traded on the web," said Hinsa.

Hinsa emphasized that the National Police system is currently not experiencing problems and is still running well.

"We assure you that their system is running well," he said.

Hinsa also confirmed that the alleged INAFIS data hacking was not related to the cyber attack incident against the Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) 2.