Disbandment Of 8 Sick SOEs Targeted To Be Completed In 2029

PT Perusahaan Pengelola Asset (PPA) targets the disbandment of eight State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) ill to be completed in 2029.

The completion of the disbandment will be carried out in stages until it is completely completed.

PPA Investment Director Ridha Farid Lesmana explained that the total PPA patients who were disbanded were eight companies. Consisting of seven SOEs and one subsidiary of SOEs.

The eight SOEs consist of PT Iglas, PT Industri Sandang Nusantara, PT Istaka Karya, PT Kertas Kraft Aceh, PT Kertas Leces, PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines, and PT Pembangunan Armada Niaga Nasional (PANN) and its subsidiaries, namely PT PANN Multi Finance.

For roadmaps (roadmaps) for handling SOEs, there are eight that are in the process of disbanding. There are ISN, Aceh Kraft Paper, Glass Industry, Istaka, Merpati, Paper Leces, PANN Persero and the Multi Finance PANN. This has been issued since the issuance of PP disbandment in 2023," he said in a hearing (RDP) for the BUMN Restructuring and Restructuring Committee, at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Monday, June 24.

Ridha explained that each BUMN has a different target for asset management. For example, Istaka and Merpati are targeted for completion in 2027.

Then, continued Ridha, PT Paper Leces' asset settlement is targeted for completion in 2028.

Meanwhile, the Archipelago Clothing Industry (ISN) and the Glass Industry in 2029.

Meanwhile, for PANN (Persero), said Ridha, it is still in the process of issuing a disbandment of Government Regulations (PP).

"For example ISN 2029 or six years since PP (published). KKA in 2028, Istaka and Merpati in 2027. PANN (Persero) is still in the stage of proposing PP. Currently, (PP disbandment) has been (already) in the State Secretariat to be proposed to the president," said Ridha.

Ridha said, there are a number of stages that the company is currently doing. Such as the sale of assets until the final stage is the revocation of the state-owned legal entity.

"Some of the steps that are being carried out are the sale of assets, how to verify creditors' obligations and also the settlement of creditors' obligations from asset sales, and the development of remaining assets to the state, and finally the revocation of NPWP and legal entities when the obligations are completed to creditors," he explained.