MKD DPR Decides Bamsoet To Violate Code Of Ethics Regarding Political Parties Agreeing To Amendments To The 1945 Constitution

JAKARTA - The House of Representatives' Honorary Court (MKD) decided that the Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Bambang Soesatyo alias Bamsoet was proven to have violated the code of ethics related to his statement claiming that all political parties had approved the amendment to the 1945 Constitution.

"The verdict, MKD decided and tried as follows: one, stating that Teradu was proven to have violated," said Chairman of the MKD DPR RI Adang Daradjatun when reading the verdict of the case in the MKD Courtroom, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday 24 June.

He said Bamsoet was proven to have violated the provisions of Article 2 paragraph (4) in conjunction with Article 3 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 20 paragraph (1) of DPR Regulation Number 1 of 2015 concerning Code of Ethics.

The decision was made after the DPR RI MKD listened to the statements of the complainants and witnesses, as well as examined the documents.

For this reason, the MKD of the DPR RI has decided to impose sanctions on Bamsoet in the form of light sanctions with a written warning.

"To the Defendants not to repeat it and to be more careful in their attitude," said Adang reading the final verdict.

Bamsoet as the defendant was not present at the hearing to read the verdict. He was also not present to fulfill the summons at the previous DPR RI MKD session on Thursday, June 20.

The former chairman of the DPR was reported to the MKD of the DPR RI by a student couple named Muhammad Azhari regarding his statements published in online media that all political parties had agreed to amend the 1945 Constitution.