KPK Explores Testimony About Firli Bahuri Receiving Rp800 Million From The Ministry Of Agriculture

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will investigate Rp800 million, which was said to be the former Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) Kasdi Subagyono, was collected to be handed over to former KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri. This testimony was conveyed during a trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court.

"Investigators will investigate," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika to reporters in a written statement, Monday, June 24.

Tessa ensures that every trial fact will be followed up. "As long as there is still an active investigation warrant," he said.

As previously reported, Kasdi Subagyono, who is a former Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan), revealed that there was a fundraising of Rp. 800 million for former KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri. He said the money was used to cover the case of cattle procurement that was being handled.

This was revealed at the trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court on Wednesday, June 19. Initially, Chief Judge Rianto Adam Pontoh asked about the relationship between Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL as Minister of Agriculture and Firli Bahuri.

"Do you know there is a relationship, does this relationship with the Minister of Agriculture with Pak Firli Bahuri as the KPK leader at that time exist?" asked Judge Rianto during the trial.

"Yes, I knew at that time apart from the news, I was also told by Panji because Panji often accompanied the Minister, met and in...," replied Kasdi.

"Meetings often?" asked Judge Rianto.

"I don't say it often, but what I want to say is that there are moments being photographed on the badminton field, that's all I know," he said.

"Please allow Your Honor, at that time the Minister himself had told all echelon I ranks that there were problems related to the procurement of cattle in the Ministry of Agriculture that were problematic which were being investigated by the KPK. Then the Minister said that this should be anticipated, then, the meaning of anticipating that is, then there is sharing again," explained Kasdi.

Then, Kasdi conveyed that the Rp800 million was collected through sharing or a joint venture by echelon I at the Ministry of Agriculture. The defendant Muhammad Hatta also requested the collection of money.

"What is this special sharing? Sharing for ministerial operations, what is this sharing for?" asked the judge.

"So this is it, after being conveyed at that time it was clarified again by Pak Hatta that there was a need of Rp 800 which would be handed over to Pak Firli," replied Kasdi.